Back to the Gym

Photo Credit: William Choquette1

After two years of being cooped up due to the pandemic, the gym finally. It’s so great to be there. It’s not even as much the idea of being at the gym itself as it is the feeling of getting into and being in shape, feeling healthy. I get a lot of pleasure from knowing that I look good. Yes, I’ve put on 5 or 6  pounds. It shows up in places that make me look not quite as good. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not everybody’s thing. But I like the feeling. I like how I look when I’m in shape. 

It’s not just me. Here is a list of benefits from exercise listed by the Mayo Clinic: 

  • Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss
  • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
  • Exercise can be fun
  • Exercise boosts energy
  • Exercise promotes better sleep
  • Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life
  • Exercise improves mood
  • Exercise can be social

It’s true, of course, that one of the benefits of exercise is weight loss. I feel it myself. Almost immediately, when I start to exercise, I also notice a difference in my weight. On the first or second day of exercise, I may find that I don’t gain weight even if I have been experiencing weight gain. Then, it changes my appetite. If, before, I would eat for the pleasure or taste, how I feel about myself kicks in once I start exercising. I naturally lose interest in continuing to eat, I guess, because of knowing how it affects my looks and how my body feels.

I like the feeling of strength that I have when I have been working out. It has a solid feel. When this desk jockey has to lift something or move something, I have an internal pride that I can lift or move an object easily, lift or move it more easily than others who may not be in shape. It’s just me, and what makes me happy, I’m not judgmental about others.

I think I’ve learned, and I believe that exercise reduces the likelihood of disease. Sadly, I can’t quote the mechanisms that cause it to happen, but I firmly believe it. I remember a TV special years ago portraying older adults (in their 90s) and how they looked. They were all great-looking people who had been physically active throughout their lives.

“What more do I need to know”


What more do I need to know? What about cognitive function for older people? People who get exercise regularly have better brain function. Need I say more? 

Mayo Clinic says that exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. When your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores. It might be just in my head, but I have more power and strength to do what I need to do!

 Well, just some thoughts. It sure is great getting back to the gym.

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