Getting out of Dodge

We just needed to get out of the house….

While officials are telling us to shelter in place and quarantine, experts are advising us to try to get outside for exercise and fresh air. And yes, it’s possible to get out, even travel, and still maintain a responsible social distance from others.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Besides, having relaxation and fun can put us in a frame-of-mind that we’re ready to jump in and tackle work when we’re back in work mode.

Not only that, people need to get out in the fresh air and sunshine to increase our oxygen, to get away from indoor contaminants in the air and to get and get some vitamin C from the sun.

Obviously safety in all things – including and especially travel – are first and foremost in these uncertain times. But social distancing doesn’t have to mean staying inside your four walls for an indefinite period of time. Here are some ideas for ways to get away during the Coronavirus, AKA COVID-19 pandemic and before cabin fever makes you completely loose your mind.

Purgatory Chasm is surprisingly unique. It’s more than a walk-in-the-park with rock formations to climb. You can follow 2 miles of trails to all sorts of rock formations an breathtaking views of the chasm. There’s also hiking trails that follow along in a loop. Nothing that a reasonably-in-shape 40 year old can’t do, but probably not for your 80 year old grandmother either.

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